(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
 To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ! 

“Endure” Hebrews 12:1-3

“Providing a foundation in Jesus Christ and developing the God-given talents of learning.”

THANK YOU! Words don't express the gratitude that Julie and I have for all the prayers, notes, encouragement, visits, and support that we have received since my recent hospitalization. We are truly blessed with the family here at St. John Lutheran School and area church families. We ask for your continued prayers as I continue to recover. May God richly bless each of you as you are a blessing to us.
Mr. Butler, SJLS Principal

HOW WE CAN SUPPORT THE BUTLER FAMILY as Mr. Butler recovers. We have lined up these opportunities for you to offer support!

1. PRAYERS: Mr. Butler would love to receive your prayers. Please pray for him and his family as Mr. Butler recovers.

2. MEAL TRAIN FOR THE BUTLER FAMILY: Please consider donating a "Frozen Meal for Four" by signing up through this Meal Train link: https://mealtrain.com/mv7qv7. We are asking helpers to either donate money for a Visa gift card to be used for grocery pick up or frozen meals. Meals should be brought to the school, and Mrs. Miller will deliver them each Friday until the end of March . . .or as long as they need it!

3. LOVE OFFERING: We are collecting a special offering during chapel on Wednesday, February 26th. All offerings will be donated to the Butler's for future needs related to recovery (medical, travel, home renovation to allow access, etc.). On Sunday, St. John will receive a door offering for its Benevolence Fund, to assist these needs

Thank you for your care and support.

SJLS Staff

Dear Friends in Christ:
    Spring is just around the corner and we are excited for the warm weather.
   Students in Kindergarten and First grades will again be hatching chicks and butterflies. In math, we will study measurement, shapes, and two-digit addition. In reading, we continue to focus on Heggerty Routines, fluency, and comprehension.
    Please be watching for service opportunities in March and April. We will be serving a Lenten meal
and will need your support! We will also be participating in the Faith at Work service day again in April. We would love it if you joined us.
    Our plant sales will begin before you know it. Be on the lookout for more information to come.
Mrs. Miller

   February was certainly cold and anything but typical in our room, but the students really enjoyed the Children's Discovery Center and Bowling in Topeka! In March we look forward to warmer weather! 
    We will celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week and take a trip to Kenya to see how the Gospel is being spread there. We will also be following the Iditarod during the first two weeks of March to see how our chosen mushers are faring on the trail. It is an odd year for them as they do not have much snow and are supposed to be running the southern route. 
    The students are hard at work on division and multi-digit subtraction in math while working on finding the plot and supporting details in different reading texts. 
     The students are excited about spring and all that comes with it!
In Christ,
Mrs. Howard

    Performing skits and playing their musical instruments to praise the Lord is one of the 4th and 5th grade students’ favorite things to do at St. John Lutheran School. The 4th-5th grade classes looked forward to leading Chapel service the last week of February and will lead the service once again in May. They sure enjoy playing their string instruments for anyone who wants to listen. 

    The 4th-8th grades had a great field trip in February. All of the students enjoyed our ski trip, and we are so grateful to St. John Lutheran School and the LPTL for making this trip possible. It was definitely a fun time for the class.

    In English Language Arts, the students are starting a unit on diagramming sentences. The 6th-8th grades are learning about complements, direct and indirect objects, and the different types of pronouns, while the 4th-5th grades are working on the different types of pronouns and how to punctuate dialogue. In reading classes, the students will be completing one last novel study to close out the school year, and practice a variety of reading strategies.

    In writing, the students will be working on peer editing and the revision process. The 6th-8th grade students will be completing a research paper, while the 4th-5th grade students will be working on descriptive writing.

    In social studies, the 4th-8th grades will be completing the Kansas Social Studies State Assessment, which will include peer editing and 

    In Tech Class, the 4th and 5th grades will continue to practice their typing skills and using new technology to create recipe cards on Canva. While in Strategy Class, the 6th-8th grade students are working to prepare for their fieldtrip to Locked Manhattan in April.

    In art classes, the students are completing their unit over using different textures in art.

    Everyone is looking forward to some warmer weather and a nice Spring Break.
In all things, trust the Lord,
Mrs. Greene


Wednesday, April 16th at 6:00 p.m.
(A meal and child care will be provided.)

SAVE THE DATE: St. John Lutheran Church VBS will be Tuesday May 27th and Wednesday May 28th, 2025! Please contact Chelsie Platz at 712-490-1514 or email chelsieskow@gmail.com, if you're interested in volunteering. 


STOP TO SHOP: St. John Lutheran School now has a Kickback Card at Stop 2 Shop! When you check out, just tell them you would like to use the SJLS Kickback card and then key in 7-8-5-7-6-5-3-9-1-4 (the school’s phone number). It’s so easy…be sure to participate all year long!

DILLON’S COMMUNITY REWARDS: We encourage anyone who is a Dillon’s PLUS card shopper to please take a couple of minutes to sign up for the rewards program. This is a program offered by Dillon’s to give back to local schools. Each time you make a purchase using your PLUS card, a percentage of your sales is donated back to SJLS in the form of cash. There is no extra charge to you, it is simply a donation by the Dillon’s company. Please use the following link to add your PLUS card to the rewards program: www.dillons.com/communityrewards and use the code AU093 to support SJLS.

In This Month's
St. John Witness
The Eagle Cry