Welcome to 
 St. John 
Thank you for visiting our web site. We strive to be faithful in sharing the message of God's love, grace and salvation in Christ Jesus. This web site allows us to reach people with information about us and about our Savior.

Please access the information about the church and let us be a resource for broadening your faith. May God lead you in His Word of Truth, to fill you with heavenly joy.
St. John is a family united by faith in Christ, gathering around God's Word and Sacraments. To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ! 
Worship Schedule

8:30 AM Sunday School
 & Bible Class
9:30 AM Sunday Worship Service via FaceBook Live


Traditional Worship 
using Lutheran Service Book
Communion on 1st and 3rd 
Sundays of the month. 
Phone: Church:  (785) 765-3632   School:  (785) 765-3914

Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Grimm      Email: pastorstjohnalma@gmail.com

Secretary: Cheryl Buttenhoff       Email: stjohnalma@gmail.com

Website: stjohnalma.org/church/home.html

School email: schoolofficestjohnalma@gmail.com

National Suicide Hotline:  988
(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
March Worship Servants

03/02  Mr. & Mrs. Doug Messer
            Mr. & Mrs. Jim MacGregor
03/09   Mrs. Cheryl Buttenhoff
            Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Dickens
03/16   Mrs. Sandra Wertzberger & Mrs. Helen                    Holenbeck
            Mrs. Diana Rubottom
03/23   Mr. & Mrs. Justin Miller
             Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bundy
03/30    Mr. & Mrs. Dallas White
             Perry & Megan Piper

  Sunday Ushers:   Kevin Moege's Team
  Ushers Evening Lent:   Tim Song's Team

03/01  Eli Wertzberger
03/02  Nora Mumaw
           Cyler Orton
03/09  Alannah Sievers
           Sadie Wright
03/15  Kameron Moege
03/16  Owen Falk
           Eli Wertzberger
03/19  Kate Lister
           Treyton Leonard
03/23  Haley Shannon
           Baylee Howard
03/26  McKinley Miller
           Nora Mumaw
03/30  Elli Pfannenstiel
           Berkli Wealthall​
Altar Guild:   
  Elaine Becker
  Gayle Grimm

Communion Assistants: 
03/01  Don Snodgrass
03/02  Randall Debler
           Bernie Shepherd
           Perry Piper
03/15  Ken Smith
            Don Snodgrass
03/16  Harmon Butler

Sunday School Teachers:
    Jim Macgregor, Dennis Theel,  Lisa Thompson        Traci Dickens

Children's Message:
    Orville Altevogt, Harmon Butler, Rev. Grimm

Weekly Calendar of Events
  6:05pm  Worship Service with Communion

SUNDAY, March 2
  8:30am  Sunday School and Bible Class
  9:30am  Communion Service (FM 88.3; FB Live)
                 Lutheran Schools Week, March 2-9

MONDAY, March 3
  9:00am  Quilt Tying
12:00pm  Pray for Missions Around the World
  7:00pm  Elders
  7:00pm  Choir

TUESDAY, March 4
 6:15am   Bible Breakfast @ Frank’s
 815am   Chapel
 6:00pm   Midweek Confirmation Class 
 6:00pm   JuBellation
  7:00pm  Ash Wednesday Commumion Service

 9:30am   Bible Class (Gospel of John)
  6:30pm  School Board                 
  7:00pm   Book Study @ Bruce & Kathy Schultz's

 10:00am  LWML Day of Prayer Service @ St.John

SUNDAY, March 9
  8:30am   Sunday School / Bible Class
  9:30am   Worship Service (FM 88.3; FB Live)
 10:45am  Parish Nurse
 11:00am  Lunch Bunch @ Friendly Cooker,                             Wamego