(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ!
In This Month's
St. John Witness
Spiritual Growth
ASH WEDNESDAY IS MARCH 5. Lent begins, and we set aside special time, with special Scriptures, prayers, and special worship services until Easter Sunday, April 20. To grow in faith, we are to die to sin – make no mistake: SIN IS DEADLY!
HARMON BUTLER, our St. John School principal, suffered a stroke last month, and is still recuperating, seeking to regain use of his left foot. We continue to pray for his complete recovery. Other information of how you may help is found in the Eagle Cry of this newsletter.
A SPECIAL OFFERING will be taken Sunday after worship to add to our Benevolence Fund, which is distributed by the elders to those who have expressed need. These may include medical bills, renovations, or travel costs (You may suggest names to them.)
THE HAMMER OF GOD is a tale written by Bo Giertz, a pastor in Sweden, which looks at the justice of God in the world. Get the book and read it. Or just come to discuss how it shows God’s Word to be active in our everyday lives. Check the calendar for the schedule.
THE GOSPEL OF JOHN is the basis of Bible Class on Thursday mornings. “The time I spend with God determines both the direction and quality of the time I spend elsewhere.” – Randy Alcorn
WILLS AWARENESS: If you would like to learn how distribute the gifts God has given to you upon your death, you can declare how this should be done. Gifts Counsellor Carol VonSoosten will lead a seminar at St. Paul Alta Vista on Sunday March 9, at 2:00pm. You are invited.
Date Bible Text Theme Hymns Order of Worship
3/2/25 Luke 9:28-36 Departure from Glory 417 - 415 - 818 - 525 - 416 - 414 DS 1, p. 151
3/5 Matthew 4:22 Gluttony & Fasting 424 - 544: 1-5 - 420 - 421 - 418 - 544: 6.7 Litany, p. 288
3/9 Deuteronomy 26 Rejoice for Goodness 657 - 789 - 547 - 436 P & P. page 260
3/12 Luke 12:15 Greed and Generosity 425 - 842 - 420: 1,7 RP 1, page 282
3/16 Phil. 3:17-4:11 Heavenly Citizenship 646 - 435 - 794 - 636 - 725 DS 1, page 151
3/19 Matthew 26:69-75 Pride & Humility 440 - 857 - 878:1,6 RP 2, page 285
3/23 Luke 6:27-38 The Golden Rule 439: 1,6 - 786 - 837: 1,5 Matins, p. 219
3/26 Matthew 26:41 Sloth & Diligence 430 - 868 - 436 RP 1, page 282
3/30 Isaiah 12 I Will Trust 729 - 568 - 437 - 727 P & P, page 260