(The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)
Alma, Kansas
A family united by faith in Christ gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
 To reach out in Christ-like concern and Christ-borne love to each other and to those without Christ! 
Reports from Auxiliary Organizations
​“But I am poor and needy: hasten to me, O God.” Psalm 70:5

    The parish nurses of St. John Lutheran Church volunteer in a health ministry to provide health counseling, health services, and spiritual ministry to church and school staff, congregation members, and the neighboring communities. The parish nurses serving in 2024 were Janet Wertzberger, RN and Elaine Becker, RN. Janet served as a representative for the Kansas District-LCMS Parish Nurses at the LWML Convention in Wichita and met with the district group members to discuss current practices, successes, and goals for the parish nurse ministry. Ideas for parish nurse programming were also shared.
     Monthly blood pressure clinics were conducted at St. John and health awareness articles were submitted for the church’s newsletter. Janet attended quarterly Topeka area parish nurse meetings at a variety of senior living venues to tour their facilities and learn about available services. St. John parish nurses partnered with The Heritage Home in Alma to host one such quarterly meeting in September. Mary Hume, RN, Kansas District-LCMS Parish Nurse advises all such meetings and offers suggestions for supportive parish nursing practices in congregations.
     Janet was invited to speak with state council members for Saints Alive after 55. She presented information on the work of parish nurses in congregations as well as the history of parish nursing at St. John, Alma. This board asked a battery of questions about the types of services and ideas for parish nursing activities. It was emphasized that parish nursing activity is often in support of other congregation activities such as making quilts for LWML missions, serving funeral dinners, serving as a crisis team member, and visitation to shut-ins and those who are dying. Service of ministry was also carried through by participation in choir, altar guild, and Prayer Service. Multi-sensory quilts were sewn and donated by the parish nurse to an urban hospital for use on their dementia unit.
    Sharing the love of Jesus through outreach ministry is the focus of parish nursing. There is more work to be done, and there are more opportunities to provide the parish nurse ministry. Reaching out in Christ-centered wellness is the basis for parish nursing. As nurses retire their nursing licenses, it is hoped that current licensed RNs will step up to become dedicated parish nurses to directly support the work of LCMS Parish Nursing at St. John. Prayers for continued support of this health ministry are appreciated.

In Service to Our Risen Savior,
Janet Wertzberger, RN
Parish Nurse


    Altar Guild members are an integral part of the St. John family. They serve the Lord by making sure that the altar and sanctuary are in readiness for all who gather around the Word and Sacraments at all regular and special worship services. Duties include preparing the altar for the Lord’s Supper and the additional tasks of preparing for baptisms, funerals, and weddings. Other duties include keeping oil in all the candles, setting out flowers when they are available, changing the paraments, and hanging appropriate banners for the day or the season.
    Thank you to the individuals and families who have made the altar more beautiful with the placement of flowers in memory of loved ones or in thankfulness for the blessings in their lives. If you are planning to put flowers on the altar, please check in the storage room behind the sacristy to see if there are vases that you would like to use.
    Ruth Messer and Kathy Hendricks recently retired from Altar Guild. Ruth served for many years as a member and chairman. Kathy is stepping back because she helps with the online services. We welcome new members, Carol Peterson and Trish Ringel, to serve in place of them.
    Many thanks go to Sandy Altevogt who for several years has embroidered the baptismal napkin remembrances and Karen Wright, Wright Liquor, who donates the communion wine. Also thanks to members in our congregation who donated their time and talents to make our sanctuary more beautiful. Debbie MacGregor did some badly needed touch up painting on the baptismal font. Lynette Phillips has shared her talents multiple times during this year as she made four new banners for the church – The Lord Is My Shepherd (General), Holy, Holy, Holy (Trinity), Blessings Are From Him (Thanksgiving), and PEACE I Leave With You, My Peace I Give To You (Funeral).
    Thanks to Cheryl Buttenhoff who provides much invaluable support to Altar Guild. She orders needed items and keeps us informed about baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
    Thank you to all who are willing to "Serve the Lord with Gladness" in 2025.
     January Carla Johnson and Deanna Moege
     February Judy Pedicord and Cindy Smith
     March Elaine Becker and Gayle Grimm
     April Carol Peterson and Trish Ringel
     May Carmen Altevogt and Sandy Altevogt
     June Kelsey Stamm and Janet Wertzberger
     July Kim Diehl and Melissa Theel
     August Marilyn Garrison and Diana Rubottom
     September Kara Mayer, Heather Orton and Janelle Schultz
     October Cheryl Buttenhoff and Becky Frank
     November Ashton Torrey and Darcy Torrey
     December Kathy Cox, Abby MacGregor and Debbie MacGregor
     Lenten Whitney Howard and Nicole Savage

   God Bless the work of the Altar Guild!
In Service to God,
Chairman, Pam Stuewe 


The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is to assist each woman of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is equipped to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.

    St. John Lutheran Church has an LWML Friendship Circle organization that meets regularly to connect with fellow Christian women, study God’s Word, and use the gifts and talents He has given us to be of service to others.
    Our meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Each meeting is opened by reciting the LWML pledge and the US and Christian flag pledges. It is followed by a devotion, singing of a hymn, and participating in a Bible study that is either led by a member or Pastor. A business meeting is held and then closed with prayer. Friendship Circle members participate in our Kansas District LWML activities, including the spring and fall zone rallies hosted by societies in our zone. We support Mite box collections that support mission projects throughout the world, and members attend district and national LWML conventions. On months that have a fifth Sunday, we participate in “Noisy Sunday” where members and the congregation give coins to support the district and national LWML mission projects.
    Members of LWML organize funeral luncheons to support families who have lost loved ones.
    Members attended the spring Manhattan Zone LWML Manhattan event in Duluth and the fall zone event at St. Luke’s in Manhattan. Gayle Grimm and Janet Wertzberger were delegates to the Kansas District LWML convention in Wichita in April.
    We sent monetary and prayer support to Ft. Wayne seminarian Rod Stewart as he prepares for the ministry. The group monetarily lends support to community causes: Wabaunsee High School after-prom, FCCLA, and the community Thanksgiving dinner. Twenty-four baby or youth quilts were made by ladies of the church and donated to Orphan Grain Train following a blessing at a church service. Fleece blankets were tied for confirmands.Poinsettia plants were purchased and taken to shut-ins.
    The 2025 elected officers: President – Debbie MacGregor, Vice-President – Janet Wertzberger, Secretary – Sandra Altevogt, and Treasurer – Joyce Diehl.
  Submitted by: Sandra Altevogt, Secretary


Beginning Balance 1/1/2023                                      $2,035.90
Receipts:                                                                    $4,331.31
​Disbursements                                                           $4,429.65
Balance 12/31/2023                                                   $1,937.56                        
Joyce Diehl, Treasurer


Teens for Christ has experienced a transition this year. Randy and Jennifer Meseke provided years of leadership and have ended their service in this area. Kim Diehl and Kathy Cox have stepped in to continue ministering to our youth. We are thankful for the continued support of our congregation.

Beginning Balance 01/01/2023                                                $ 1,015.84
Ending Balance 12/31/2023                                                     $ 1,015.84

Social Media Report
Electronic media at St John: St. John has broadcast its worship services since March, 2020, via micro-FM transmitter and livestreamed via Facebook. Some Bible classes also have been available via Facebook livestream. At the peak of the pandemic, when large gatherings were discouraged, online synchronous viewing was high (greater than seventy synchronous URLs). As the pandemic has waned, online synchronous viewership has declined as in-person participation in worship and Bible class have rebounded. As 2023 drew to a close, online synchronous viewing typically was between eighteen and twenty-five for regular Sunday worship and eight to fifteen for midweek advent services. Special services, including festivals, funerals, school participation in worship, etc. have various levels of viewership.
    Substantial effort is expended to provide the online streaming. Pastor Grimm prepares a PowerPoint deck for each worship service so that text for key elements of the service are displayed for online viewers as well as in the sanctuary. Erik Grimm has assembled and interconnected the equipment necessary for livestreaming. He continues to be a critical technical and software support person for streaming activities. Kathy Hendricks, James McGregor, Tim Songs, Ryan Theel, and Bruce Schultz have been at the ‘control desk’ during worship to guide the camera and stream either from the camera or the PowerPoint presentation, as needed. It would be good to have additional volunteers for streaming activity.
    Livestreaming continues to provide an avenue for worship participation that is edifying to members of the congregation who cannot participate in person.
Bruce Schultz, media team spokesman


2023 - 2024 Officers
President:  Stephanie Shannon
Vice-President:  Chelsie Platz
Secretary:  Ashley Seematter
Treasurer:  Rachael Manor/Erin Debler
Member-at-Large:  Stephanie Maike

​    St. John Lutheran School continues to be blessed with parents, teachers, staff and families who generously give of themselves. We have the privilege of celebrating 150 years of excellent Christian education. The 2023-2024 school year was marked with our theme, “Connected,” John 15:15.
   The Lutheran Parent-Teacher League (LPTL) has historically funded many different activities during the school year, including class field trips, Spring Fling, Awards Night, and Graduation. In addition, the LPTL has continued to organize several fundraisers during the year such as the combined pork chop supper and silent auction, a match day event, running the firework stand, a garage sale, and flower sales. The LPTL also generously supports other needs as identified by SJLS teachers and staff such as art supplies, music and science supplies, maintenance, transportation expenses, Accelerated Reader program, and technology updates. This year, the LPTL was able to support funding towards the new school roof among other projects/activities.
  The LPTL also collects Coke Reward points, General Mills Box Top points, Dillions rewards, Amazon Smiles funds, and Kickback points from Stop 2 Shop. Another year-round fundraiser includes gift certificate (scrip card) sales in which a percentage comes back to the LPTL.
   The school is looking forward to our National Lutheran Schools week, which will be at the end of February in addition to our 150th Anniversary celebration. A shadow day is offered in February to allow families to visit and learn about the school in addition to Kindergarten round up. Planning for a unique twist to the Spring Fling is also in the works.
   We feel very blessed to have a Christian school in our community for our children. The LPTL would like to give a heartfelt thank you to the St. John Lutheran Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, Wamego Mt. Calvary Church, the Board of Christian Education, the School Board, and members of our community for the generous support you give to our school.
Ashley Seematter, LPTL Secretary